Lots of users who begin using their very first web hosting account, or change companies, usually have inquiries about how given tasks are executed or have troubles setting up different things, including e-mails, site settings, and so on. That is why, many hosting companies have compiled documentation with popular questions and problems in order to help their customers obtain information quickly and seamlessly. As a result, the client service team members can dedicate more time to real issues that given clients may be facing, as the solution for the minor things will be available on the Internet and clients can cope with them without touching base with the customer support staff. Having comprehensive documentation is truly important, particularly for new customers without any experience whatsoever, because the hosting service involves an enormous amount of features and many individuals can become puzzled about what action to take. A good knowledge base can both help you execute the things that you wish and learn how the web hosting service works as a whole.

Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting

Our hosting plans come with an elaborate knowledge base where you can find info on all the complications that you could run into and their resolutions. You can learn how to create and administer a mailing list, how to use an .htaccess config file, or how to proceed in case the settings of your mail client are correct, but still you’re unable to send emails, for instance. We’ve done our utmost to be as comprehensive as possible and to encompass all the available options in order to help you save time and to offer you different solutions for every single issue. The knowledge base contains educative articles too – both generic ones about the hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will acquaint you with the features and functions of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about specific functions and features in every Control Panel section, whereas if you would like to browse through the complete article list, you should go to the dedicated Help section.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting come with comprehensive online help documentation where you will see info about all the features that our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel offers, along with solutions to different questions and obstacles that you might run into. All user guides contain in-depth explanations, which implies that you won’t need to worry about omitting something in case you’re intending to export a database, for example. The troubleshooting articles include a variety of different viable reasons for specific problems and the solution for each and every one of them, so if you are not able to send email messages even though you have the right outgoing mail server settings, for example, you can swiftly see what the reason could be and rectify the issue with a couple of clicks of the mouse in your mail client. As the Hepsia Control Panel offers quite a lot of features, you’ll be able to find applicable articles in each of its sections. In case you desire to examine all help articles, click on the Help link, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of the page.