Web Accelerators
Turbocharge your web sites without making any backend code modifications

To keep a rapidly loading web site, you must have a plain and well written backend code. Inside the Control Panel, you’ll find a set of tools that can assist you boost your site’s efficiency without needing to modify anything within the backend code. The Web Accelerators – Node.js, Varnish and Memcached will not only aid you to present a lot faster streaming speeds to your site visitors and therefore lessen site exit volumes, but could even skyrocket your site higher in the search engine rankings.
To utilize the Web Accelerators, only access your Control Panel and produce an instance for the acceleration tool you need.
RAM–memorizing instead of database queries
If you have a fast paced database–powered website or web application, it may have problems running speedy for the customers because of the multiple requests delivered to the data base. To aid you fix the web–page running difficulty, we have incorporated the Memcached system into the Control Panel.
Memcached is really a powerful distributed memory object caching platform, which collects data and objects in the server’s memory to avoid the data base from being asked any time a visitor loads a specific web page. Using this method, your web site pages are going to start faster for visitors and will increase the chance for them to return.
RAM–caching instead of HTTP calls
If you have content–heavy dynamic web sites with numerous images and videos, you’ll unquestionably have to make sure that your pages load really fast for your visitors. An ideal tool you can use is the Varnish HTTP accelerator that will assist you to speed up your web sites without requesting you to have any specific tech skills.
Varnish stores all queries towards the server in the server RAM and ships the pages fast to the customer by eliminating fresh requests towards the web server. By doing this, all pages on your web site are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times more speedily to your customers. Additionally, you can decide on if the arriving requests will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the server, etcetera.
An excellent way to develop scalable web apps
If you’d like to construct a web application, you ought to have the equipment you need available to you right away, with no need to seek out, assemble and set them up. The Control Panel will save you equally well time and expenses, by supplying you with the instruments you need right close at hand.
The Node.js software helps programmers, regardless of whether they’re industry experts or otherwise, to create scalable network applications and sites. It’s based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also the libUV. Node.js uses an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it light–weight and also useful, suitable for data–loaded real–time applications that run across distributed devices.